reporting myself to Faculty of Dentistry yesterday.

n my day is not good.

the schedules are hectic!

i nearly tearing up! ='(

i really dont noe if i can adapt to this new environment, huge syllabus and gifted classmates.

i never thought that the Dentistry is still available for me..

my mom didnt give me any choice.

she insisted me to go for Dentistry..

but i wanna stay...

she never understands my situation.

no matter how much me, my sis n aunt try to persuade her.

still, i miss my Puncak Alam friends, housemates, classmates.

i miss HS227/1.

but i've promised them tht i'll be visiting a lot.hehe

i started to have fun in Puncak Alam n socialize.

but we, as human beings can only plan our life..

The Mighty Allah is the one who create my future..

i hope u guys'll pray for my success!

hopefully i'll be a great and stylish Dentist insyaAllah...~~


Najib Daud said…
go dentist go!

tambah lg sorang geng. yeah.
meklom~ said…
insyaAllah zaf boleyh!! chaiyokk!! :D
sofea said…
nak tnye bpe pointer plg rndah uitm ambek for dentistry mse batch akak dulu??
DR ZUFFY said…
sikit je... 3.67... but sini majority 3.9 above. for my case, akak masuk under rayuan. Alhamdulillah, rezeki... ;DD
DR ZUFFY said…
i think i was the lowest among all. huuuu
sofea said…
owh ye ke...
tahniah, 2 mknenyer luas rezeki akak..
saye pelajar asasi baru je abes bln 3 ary 2...
akak rse relven x saye mntx cost dentist...
ade pluang x saye further cost ney tp pointer saye hanye 3.89?
sofea said…
owh ye ke...
tahniah, 2 mknenyer luas rezeki akak..
saye pelajar asasi baru je abes bln 3 ary 2...
akak rse relven x saye mntx cost dentist...
ade pluang x saye further cost ney tp pointer saye hanye 3.89?
DR ZUFFY said…
in sha Allah boleh lah tuuu... banyak2 berdoa lah.... let me tell u, dentistry mmg best. kita banyak kerja tangan so tangan kena lah lembut. tapi akak stress dgn subject Basic Medical y ktrg kena cover 2 thn. Banyak sgt. kena bersedia mental n fizikal. cuti pun ktorg xmacam budak course lain.
Anonymous said…
salam kak. nak ty sikit. akak dapat masuk sbb under rayuan. kirenye mse upu akak tak dapat mane2 u ke? maaf bertanye.
DR ZUFFY said…
waalaimumusslm. Akak dpt Uitm Dietetics kat Uitm Puncak Alam. 2 minggu je then dapat dentistry.
Anonymous said…
mcm mane akak buat rayuan utk dapatkan dentistry? bole tergkan sikit.
DR ZUFFY said…
xsure la tp mak akak y buat. dia macam kena anta surat direct ke dekan fakulti pergigian rasanya. sbb ikutkan, once da dpt 1 course ni kat Uitm, xdpt nk buat rayuan melalui komputer
sofea said…
akak nak tanye lagi boley...
selalunyer brape orang intake 4 dentistry student every year??
DR ZUFFY said…
dentstry Uitm biasenye amik 30+ je. tp strt my batch, 50+.
tapi mmg havok lah dkt LAB sbb kerusi dentist ade 30 je.
sofea said…
la cket nyer intake dye...
ingat intake dye cam fac pharma n medic..
Syafirah Ruslan said…
salam sis, nak buat rayuan, camne ah? sye dpt optometri tpi mmg nak sgt dentist.
DR ZUFFY said…
my mom tulis surah direct to the dean... itu saja caranya
Anonymous said…
salam kak
cuti bdk dental n medic sama ke?
DR ZUFFY said…
nope. dorg selalu dpt cuti lebih seminggu. study week la especially. dean dorg jenis yg considerate lg..
Anonymous said…
Salam , akak sy pun dpt dentistry uitm juga . bulan 9 ni masuk . best tak dentistry uitm , fakulti dia best tak ? hehe
DR ZUFFY said…
yeke ! bak fb nak add. bole kte get to know w each other... :)
dentistry mmg best. tapi pressure sikit sbb cuti kte lain dgn fac lain n banyak yg kena study.
nnt akan study subjek medic jgk. tu yg byk kena hafal tu.. apaapa pn get ready mentally n physically k !
Anonymous said…
wah murahnya rezeki akak :) seronoknya dapat dentistry. akak, i got 3.57 for GCPA ;( tapi saya terlalu minat dentistry sampai dah takde backup plan. saya tau UITM pandang budak 4flat dan 3.9 above je. UITM tengok pointer untuk kelima lima subject for asasi sains or 3 subject tertinggi je utk CGPA? kalau akak tak keberatan nak share ikhtiar your mom untuk rayuan dentistry, jom la kite share :) through email will be better :)uhh saya sedih sangat ni :( apa email akak yg boleh contact selalu ? :D
Unknown said… lepasan diploma ..cgpa 3.73 ja..sedih kot cuz tau cut off pointer last year 3.93...rsnya kalau buat rayuan..ada kena consider lagi ke tu?? Tq...Best lah dah dpt dentist ^^
DR ZUFFY said…
in sha Allah.. selagi bole buat rayuan, buatlah..
Anonymous said…
Salam kak, bila bebudak dentistry nak pindah ke faculty baru dkt sg buloh ya? Sy igt tahun ni dah pi sg buloh sekali masih di shah alam pulak :/
Unknown said…
Kak, saya nak tanya, macam mana nak buat pertukaran satu2 course? Saya 4 flat, and saya tersilap pilih course masa upu. And contohla saya nk dentistry kat uitm, saya terus hantar surat kat dekan eh? Saya dpt biotech UM. Thanks for the respond.
Unknown said…
Salam akak. Saya nk mntk pendapat akak. Saya student asasi uitm batch 2013/14, cgpa 3.67 n bio dpt B+. Saya minat sgt dentist dr dlu. Tp xde rezeki, saya ditawarkan course sains aktuari (which is also a very highly recomended course jgk sbb saya mmg enjoy buat math). Kiranya, minat & kemahiran saya bercanggah. Saya nk tny akak, brt ke subject2 dlm course dentistry? Mcm mana study life akak? Sbb saya masih tgh dilemma either nk terima tawaran aktuari ataupun try rayuan utk dntistry. Sbb saya tkt jgk saya xmampu bwk subject2 dentistry since bio saya cuma B+. Boleh akak bg pendapat? (:
Anonymous said…
Salam. Akak, mak akak buat rayuan then hantar kat dekan tu by hand atau pos? Mak akak hantar before akak masuk atau lepas akak masuk? Sorryyyy banyak tanya. :)

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