
Showing posts from April, 2011

Contest MrVampire

it's a contest by MrVampire..  Choose the most photogenic pics of urs and upload it on ur blog.. and bla bla bla bla... just click on the site k..haha   * Solo pic  *Duo pic * Group Pic  Click here to enter the contest. Kami rasa kami patut menang contest ini kerana dalam mana mana gambar pon, kami sentiasa nampak ceria dan tidak berpura pura! Makeup pon tak lah tebal. Natural beauty la kan. Tak main lah makeup sampai 10 inci, edit gambar sampai flawless gila kulit tapis jerawat batu. Tapi kami semua tak ada jerawat batu ok! Walaupun kami bakal bakal doktor, stress macamana sekalipun, tak ade jerawat batu ok!! heheheh  Tagged : Alyaa Ummi Pinky Hany Tutti 

will be delay

salam everybody! i have to hang on the blog at the moment recently, i got a lot of major crisis came one by one which affects mentally, physically, academically and my personal health. it's about my precious life and my future so i have to hang on the blog to settle myself up. maybe it took more than a month or more. i hope things will be better. Pray for me u guys!!  and if things are getting worsten, it may affect the blog name.. things will be changed. a lot of things. if hope not. oh pressure. too much. stay healthy everybody! XOXO<3