weeks in college

*welcome to my dorm.. left frm the front's mine

it is quite a different environment for me. all my roomates got different classes. but it's a good thing actually cuz we can explore more bout other ppl n not juz the ppl tht we only know..

on my first day of class. SESAT! uitm's humongous thank god i've known some other friends who have the same condition as i am.. not to mention, everyday, pegi kelas bermandikan peluh!! we had to take the bus to go to the faculty applied science n sometimes nk jadi sardin cuz bus packed sgt. n, duet lagi... i spent a lot of cash since i've been here!

so far, my classmates okey2 jela.. not as good as my other roomates who have classmates yg gile2... yg girls sume macam still malu2.. as for guys bising nak mampoS! but not that bad, agak lawak la.. diorg ws like lawan2 accent.. hopefully my class wont be as boring as before. here's my space in my dorm.

* agak messy for a teenage girl like me. what would u expect!?? culture shock!
well i got my junkie, bucket, pillowS, bags (2 at least), shoes (4 at least), indoor slippers..etc.

* as u can see, tunggang langgang! ada rak, x nak ltk kasut! there's whitidy, jaring flats of mine. yang laen i kept it under my bed. takot kene curi weyh! there's a fren of mine, someone stole her sneakers on the first week she'd been here!
i cant wore high heels or wedges in uitm cuz jalan berbukit2! kalu nk mati awal bolela pakai slalu.. i had to sacrifice a bit. i miss u guys!

* closet's freaking small! i cant put all my clothes! these are juz half of it. it is not juz a closet! it's also a space where all our stuff should be kept. including notebook, bags, food..etc

* i'm not proud of my matrik card. juz wanna poyo to announce myself as a university student!. my photo's agak cubby r!

if u guys asked about love, i've found someone i like! but im still single. let me describe bout his character a bit. he's tall, dark n handsome! sgt ke?hehe. however, dgr2 dia ada gossip ngn my fren.. xtau r..=( but i dont care, though. she's my fren. if he's the best for her, let it be. fyi, he is NOT my classmate.

to be continued..


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