KPP seminar

i went to Metro Driving Academy in Subang Permai for my driving license. im really nervous at tht night. actually it's juz a seminar for beginners. but still..
the speaker's quite bored. he made jokes and some people laugh.
but i dont think so tht he's funny at all.
so i slept for a few times like Hazlami..haha! i slept for juz a few seconds n then i dreamt bout so many things.! i hope he wont aggrieve with wut i did.
i looked around to check out if there's anybody felt sleepy. apparently, there's no one!
it's juz me! it's really humiliating. i hope no one saw me closed my eyes..
it's really a boring day. i hate seminars.
but the good thing is, i met Hidayah! my old mate from primary school.!
right now, i have to study real hard cuz i want to take the 'Ujian B'komputer' as soon as possible.
i cant wait to get my driving license!


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