asasians photoshoot!!!

we're having this photoshoot only for Science Foundation student 2 days ago.
got formal and informal shoots.
as for formal shoot,we wore baju batik UITM!hahah
semangat abis. we wanted all of us to look uniformed.
our pics are the greatest and super smart ah compared to the other groups.heee~
as for informal shoot, we wore black and white
plus colourful umbrellas as extra prop.
we had a lot of fun taking pictures!
really goin to miss all the ppl around me as all of us will
end the foundation in juz a few weeks..
group F....
we really do loves to take pics..heeeee~
so i uploaded a few pics.
there's hundreds of pics.
but juz uploaded some of them..
well, tak kan nk upload all of it kot!

*from left, it's lynn, mua, efa+ms. kipas angin, amnor n thira..

* this is our class rep., irfan. it's my fav pic. smart seyh.
btw, i wore a new wedges sandals that i bought from DC(dataran cendekia)
and a new black cardie from P.A.S., in thrifted price.weee~

* meet bid. btw, she juz bought that baju a day before the photoshoot.hahah

* meet shakirin. call him nik jelah. mamat bajet gler.haha. we're friends. he's the one tht i help up to get a girl.haha.
his assets, the fake hair. rebonding~. smart pulak tgk dia ni pakai kemas2 ckit.haha

* excuse mua! mua enterframe jap.hehehe.

ms. kipas angin dihatiku..weee~

* meet them. too much to introduce..hehe
kenal2 sendiri la yee..

* the best group n most style ever!haha. but juz for 1 thing. 'F' tak mnjadi!!



Anonymous said…
really do love group f<33
hope korang tak lupe anim kat sini
DR ZUFFY said…
ktorg takkan lupekn anem...
trust us..heeee~
Anonymous said…
hahahaha.....pic aku mmg hensem...hahahaha
DR ZUFFY said…
nik eh.. seeee... i told u he's bajet gler.wakaakak

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