American Apple Pie bebeyh!

Salam everybody!!!

as y'll noe, i've been baking too much recently..

and i'm already bored with cakes, brownies, cuppacakes

so i decided to make PIES !!!

it's a family favourite,

my whole family loves apple pies, pineapple pies.. etc

so this is the RESULT!!.................
dont judge a book by it's cover. hehe
PIEs are meant to be notsogood looking
but Mommy said that this is

 my BEST PIECE ever compared to my other baking experimentsss!!
 KUDOS to me! =)

i should stuff up more apples in there.
actually i used Mommy's apples for her daily diet (right now she's lacking of her apples.hehe)
so i only used 4 apples instead of 6 which  it  should be. huuu
the pie crust is PERFECT. (thank god)
actually i dont really follow the exact recipe that i got on9...
i just add up a few more grams from the actual recipe of sugar, flour to make the crust and the filling taste perfectly blend.

Wanna try the recipes? hehe

by the way, i dont use LEMON JUICE

oh the video doesnt say about brush on top of the pie with egg yolks 
which u HAVE TO DO SO. okey?

enjoy u guyssss!!!



.along.safierah. said…
alamak! dh buat apple pie dh?? konsi recipe yg zaf da modified bole? pastu baking pan tu zaf wat cmne? kne bli pan khas laa? huhu. konsi2x la skit ye :P
follower humble :P
DR ZUFFY said…
kte da xberape ingt y recepi kte modify.... y dia kate 2 cup of flour tu kte tmbah lagi 1 cup and butter lagi 25g camtu lahh. sbb 2 cup mcm sikit sgt.. along buat ikut gerak ati kate cane..hehe y pan tu kte mmg ade Pie pan... kne beli lah kot sbb kat gne baking pan kek y biase, mcm xjadi je bentuknye.. alah along beli yang foil tu je.. giant ade bykk
apple pie mmg besttt kann :)) yummmy!
Farah Hannah said…
salam dear. good idea. teringin nak buat lah :)

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