Make Your Dream as ur hobby if u're not destined to "OWN" it

Salam everybody!!

well i got 4 months of semester break.

actually, it's just 3 months minus my Intersession this July.

i was planning to cover up my previous modules this break.

but no rush babe. I need some space for myself tooooo!

so i took about 3 to 4 weeks of ME, MYSeLF AND I sessions.

fill up with movies, shopping, hang outs and HOBBIES.

literally i was crazy about baking.

i tried to make MACAROONS but it turned out to be...........

THIS!!!! it looks ugly like me but it tastes so GOOODDDDD!
and a friend of mine called these SHITs. bless u moron.hahahhahaha!
Then i was too fed up making macaroons with bad results every attempts so i switch to cuppacakess!
which i am GOOD at. ^^
 i called this babies, HALF VAMPIRE because
it's half Red Velvet and half Vanilla with Choc Cream Cheese frosting.
mmmm nyummy.
then i made BROWNIES. no good. maybe it's because i put too much flour. my bad.
and i burnt the cake in the oven
my bad again for kept adjusting the temperature,

nevertheless, i got A+ of those HALF VAMPIRES from my monsters at home.
and my little monster (my nephew) did ask me to make those HALF VAMPIRES more!!! *proud me* heheheheh

NEXT, i've gone crazy over sewing clothes.

for my Dentistry Annual Dinner, i sew myself my costume as the theme of the dinner is MOVIE NITE.
well just 50% of the overall look of the character i chose.
but i am very happy with the results. *wink*

something like this perhaps?? hahhahahah NOT!
these doesnt show that i am excited with the dinner thingy.
it's just that i want to finish up my nottooimportant business during this holiday
 so that it wont bug me afterwards when i am concemtrating my studies in another 4 months.

babes, my dream when i was a child is to be a Fashion Designer
and i grew up with my mom sewing fancy dresses for me so i got the skill from my passion and my childhood environment.
the costume is a surprise. so no preview of it until October! HAHAHHA

then i got some leftovers of fabric from those costumes
so i decided to make a SHAWL!
Satin Shawl!!!
no need  to pay for 25bucks for a shawl by ON9 if u can make it urself pricelessssssss!
no photos for that.hehe nothing special actually.
if u guys saw me wearing a black Satin Shawl meaning tht's the shawl that i made myself. ^^


gone CRAZY with highWaisted maxi skirt recently.

but it's too expensive!!!!

so i am going to buy some fabrics this weekend fellas!!!!

i want to make one of thoseeee!!!!!weeeeeeee

as for this one, i am going to use some fabrics like tutu's and thick chiffon. 
or this one, using a plain cotton fabric?
still havent make up my mind on which one should i make..hmmmmmm

any ideas?

written by a future Dentist(insyaAllah) who never left her childhood dream just fading away.=)
have a good life peeps. ^_^



Nani the Freak said…
wah,you sew your own costume?awesome-ness!i don't like sewing and cooking.but,i'm into baking too!buat red velvet just now.haha.dala tak pena rase red velvet.i hope it's amazing.haa,anw,can't wait til october!
along.safierah said…
zaf! ajar alng buat frosting! :) nk resepi~ n mcm mne nk twirl2 kn dye tuh? ahhaha. obses jugk nih :P
DR ZUFFY said…
Nani : save budget for the costume.haha wahhh red velvet!!! I likeeeee!! Buat lah macaroons nany! Lawan alyaa liyana! Hehe Along : Frosting to gne gula aising dgn butter je. Kalau nak perasa raspberry, mix dgn jem y imported tu.sedappppppp!!!
aL sYa said…
tutu mcm jarang.. besh lg cotton.. hehe
DR ZUFFY said…
yup jarang. but kte ingt nak buat cm dua lapis lah, net organza n think chiffon ke.. hehe tp cm malas.complicated!
aL sYa said…
complicated kn, so jgn wat ngahahaha =p

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