Hi ! it has been a long time i left blogging.
too many commitments and my semester breaks are getting lesser and lesser.
i wont be having any breaks until July except for study week.
well study week are meant to be for studying not for vacation right. so dont blame the exam if u are not passing. blame urselves for not utilizing the study week. ehem sorry for the distraction.

so here i am final year dental survivor.
i still couldnt believe that i could make it this far. but, my requirements are still slow.
i still need to finish 5 dentures and 5 fix prosthesis within this semester. omg i so freaking out i might not completed all on time.
i still need to think of my partner as well. she may need sessions as much as i do.

a few months left and a few more steps to get to the finishing line, many obstacles started to happen in every clinics.
my RA patients, 1 left for JB and another 1 started working and difficult to find time to come for appointments.
i hope the "back ups" can still hanging on with the appointments until July.
im paying my patient's bus ticket from Malacca so she can come to the appointment.
Sacrifice, huh.

last time i got a massive problem with Pediatrics and Alhamdulillah Azni (my patient) saved me with so many cases and very cooperative. i really appreciate it. but then, tried to call the mother last week for another pulp therapy but not picking up the phone. THIS IS SAD. been calling her for the whole week though.

so far, i still love doing difficult extractions and Minor Oral Surgery however, there are times where i have this feeling of quitting while attempting a difficult extraction with forceps and elevators on my hands.

Dentistry is just something that i want to make my parents proud and not something that i really passionate about. there are times i feel it is such a burden to me.
Yes, it benefits for my future but u are dealing with real people, human beings so how u expect u will give the best treatment if u dont have any interest of learning it and dont feel enjoy of what are u doing.

are u going to let me live and work for the rest of my life doing sometimes that cause me STRESS AND TROUBLE. that is not love. that is SELFISH.

right now, im just forcing myself to work hard to the fullest for the degree.
"Bachelor of dental surgery" - sounded pretty nice for apart of Nurzafirah Ilias's scrapbook

cant wait to graduate and get married.
OK stop with the bebelan.

just put a smile on ur face and move on. and make others happy


Anonymous said…
salam, boleh share fb acc or email? nak tanya pasal uitm dentistry :)

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