
Assalamualaikum lovely readers,

My idol guide my way on how to live, how to learn, how to manage myself.

- Eversince I was little, he teach me to start saving. Never spend my duit raya. Save them in the bank.

- He teaches me to live in a simple life. Never be too extravagant.

- He teaches me to work for what i want and don't be too dependable.

- He gave me the best tips to study : sit on a comfortable chair with a study table totally merged our brain into FOCUS.

- He is a sucha workaholic. He still working very hard though he's already 60+.
cuz All he wanted to see his children eat proper food without starving.

- When he was a child he wasn't among the lucky ones. Too many endurance made him a better and successful man. He got a PHD with a 'doctor' title. and now everyone call him with that title as a respect.

- During the weekends he always have something to do. Get the food for the fish in the pond, groceries at the market, fill in the petrols, get the car serviced and etc.
And he never gets tired.
He's in the 60's but he doesnt look like he is.
His spirit made him stronger. Zealous I must say.

- He had this interesting idea back then when he was the "ketua kampung".
He brought his students from Uitm when was still a lecturer in Faculty of Science and Mathematics to teach middle school students how to master a simple Math.
And one of the committee claimed that what he came up with was actually something new, something cool that no one would have done it.
That committee i was just saying was actually coincidentally one of my patient in Perio Clinic.

- He is relatively quite. He dont even care what people say about him. He chose to keep quite, not saying anything.
Maybe that is one of the key of his success. Stay calm and keep cool.

This is my Papa I was talking about.

Though I live in an Urban area, I live in a sucha simple life while people around me seem to be predictably extravagant.

XOXO <3>


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