like (not love) becomes hate.

as ppl r saying when we love someone it doesnt mean it would last forever..
unless the feelings doesnt start w love. but started w hate towards somebody.
yes thts wht happen to mua.
i started to like someone after i heard ppl r saying tht he likes me back.
yeah it does happen initially. but then after weeks the guy's feeling started to fade i guess cuz he thought tht i didnt respond. well i do.. it's juz tht i didnt show it off..
i got a huge egoistic in myself u see.
perhaps i forced myself to liking him cuz he is so nice, caring..BUT not a good muslim. he didnt perform the prayers vry well though.
i cant accept ppl who doesnt pray.
my heart is hard to accept tht kind of ppl. for me, it is vry crucial..VRY.
so i thought of him a vry good friend. only as friends. but he thinks otherwise.
i think so. tht's the problem.
perhaps he thinks tht i had a crush on him or something.
so juz now, his gf called me. at first, he ws like texting me. asking me 'wht up?'. but then it ws actually his gf's the one whose texting me.. so aphal? i not the whose into him so badly.
he's the one whose interested in me.. nk call2 plak mnah ni.. si mamat tu pn satu. ape kes dow? i thought of u as a friend. not more than tht.. so?
why's it she said, klu nk amik dia amik r..
HELL WHAT? i cant stand w misundrstanding.
think is huge bad understanding. so immature.
VRY IMMATURE PPL. dua2 ekor skali...ys.
i dont want to say rude things right now..trying to control my emotions.
is it necessary for his gf to call and mock like a bird? xde la mocking..hehe.
i thought he is a nice person. nice friend. but actually not. so it's not exactly started w love. it started w like becomes hate. i felt freaking hating him rite now KOT>
he is SOoOo jahat. perlu ke?? call2??
i not the one who always texting him. he's the one who started the sms not me...
rite now, i dont think so tht i wanted to go back to the campus.
i had to face him again for another half a year.oh man....
thnk god we're nt in the same tutorial,,,
get him out of my sight plz!~ arghh! why's he so bad!?
ya Allah berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi hidup ini dgn lebih tabah.
jauhkanlah aku dari manusia2 yg hanya ingin mempermainkanku..
berikanlah aku petunjuk agar dapat mengejar cita2
ku yang juga merupakan impian kedua ibubapaku..
dan berikanlah aku lebih ramai sahabat yg lebih menyayangi ku
dan tidak mempergunakanku
namun aku bersyukur dgn rakanku skrg...amin..


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
sory if i wrong n jht anim bersngka buruk kat org
DR ZUFFY said…
haha btol r tu. trok en. skrg kte pndg pn xmo klu bley..
Anonymous said…
cian la kat zhaf.asl tetbe lak die cmtu.hem tak phm..
DR ZUFFY said…
dia tu plik r.tah ape yg dia nk tah. pas2 bole plak bru2 ni ajk kuar mkn.oh plzz..
Anonymous said…
jgn layan suda die tu~
tah la nk ckp ape.kwn kite kot

by anim~

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