memories from the 1st semester

im goin to miss my life in college! i hd nvr live in a hostel bfore so it's quite fun hving ppl all ovr M'sia to be friends w. i love my life rite now. bttr thn high school. dont wanna go back to high school plz!!! dont ask why. i have my own reasons..
along this 1st semester i hung out alot w my friends, classamtes... we had once, went out to break fast at section 7 near the uitm... and we went there by foot. ys. best kot jln ramai2..hehe. n quite humiliating. ppl ws like staring at us cuz we ws like buat rombongan cik kiah or something. all the boys went out earlier i guess. we planned to meet up at DC but then it doesnt work out as planned.

* sgt kelakar kot. barisan pnjg! bdk 2 org ni lead ktorg.hehe!

* ni time nak cross the road to the Restoren RS. buke kdai mamak jela ktorang.. seyesly la kn, mcm kanak2..haha.

* burbbb.. kenyang da.. this's all my classamtes .the other row is the boys of aspiF.. while i ws eating, bole plak ade org maen2 mate dgnku.. tension btol. blasah bru tau.hehe.

thts the end of breaking fast w my classmates,n now w my beloved roommates!! ktorg ws like a couple of times break fast at Station Kopitiam sec.7. the place's quite cozy, quiet, like there's nobody in but us. therefore, ktorg pn conquer la! tngkp2 gmbr...etc. the food's quite good though. the manager pn mcm dah knl ktorg..hehe.

* mereke suke membuliku!!!!~heppie times.

* comey2 belake..hehe. lagi2 tdg pink tu ek..hehe.jk. from left, Ezaty,mua,Ain,Nannie plus thira.

hopefully my 2nd semester in ASPIF which is my last sem would hv been much more fun n triumph. hope we can graduate together n not repeat sem. Not to mention, gain more relationship..amin...


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