annual dinner uploads...

i almost forgot tht i havent posted out the Asasi Sains Annual Dinner pics yet..heheh

for the first time,, i tried something new..

wearing a green shawl. i dont think tht green suits me.

but i decided to make something new.. it's only 1 nite rite..

so these are the pics. there's more of my friends that i havent introduced yet.

* these are the only ASPF who attended the dinner..
erm, minus robin. he's juz performing on tht nite..heheheh.
no offense eh. but consider attending jgk larh..hehe

* my best girl, lina... n her hubby, amer..heee~
erm, saye nyibuk jap ea..heheh

* tht's lynn. she juz bought tht dress on tht aftrnoon. bocor rahsia..hehe
n aishah, she's cool n sempoi gler ah..heee~

* tht's amnor n tajull.. geek n the beauty..heee~

*haaaa... ni lah adam...
sempoi je pegi dinner, mkn byk2. bru puas n worth 65rm tuu...

* MASYAALLAH. seyesly i looked like a joker..

a pyscho maniac..hahahaah.

oh yes. this is Fiqah. we call her Pah Bedah. dont ask why.

it juz suits her..heheh. no offense pah!haha

* fatin oh fatin.. ank mami from Penang...heee~
mamarazzi ni..hehe

* oh yes. this is robin aka hafiz. robin's his commercial name i guess.hahah

for me, he's sort of Ustaz Rock cam2..hahah

he performed on tht nite.. i cn see tht he's very passionate w his music..hmm

* so this is farhah.. she won the best dressed for the Beauty category..!
oh yes the BEst Geek, azam from group A.
i didnt managed to get a pic w him.. he's too busy with his 'fans'..wahahahah

* so this is nany from the left, sha n thirah..
thirah is my ex-roomate's bestfriend.
remember thirah?
my ex-roomate who already fly off to Egypt last year...
yeah they got same name..

* meet hany n bid! hany shares the same bday w me... 15th Oct..
we met for the first time during our MMS... and stay friends..heee~

actually, i've been thinking of wearing
something geekie or a tuttu dress for the dinner..
but i didnt have much time... if the dinner would have been after our finals,
i would wore something...heee~
i dont want the dinner to be a burden to me to think of wht am i goin to wear
as i had to concntrated in my studies as well..
so i made a decision to juz wear a simple garment but nice..hee~

so tht's all i guess..

it's a great nite though.

really goin to miss all my mates!!!waaaaaaa~~~


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