annual dinner uploads...
i almost forgot tht i havent posted out the Asasi Sains Annual Dinner pics yet..heheh
for the first time,, i tried something new..
wearing a green shawl. i dont think tht green suits me.
but i decided to make something new.. it's only 1 nite rite..
so these are the pics. there's more of my friends that i havent introduced yet.
for the first time,, i tried something new..
wearing a green shawl. i dont think tht green suits me.
but i decided to make something new.. it's only 1 nite rite..
so these are the pics. there's more of my friends that i havent introduced yet.
n aishah, she's cool n sempoi gler ah..heee~
* tht's amnor n tajull.. geek n the beauty..heee~
*haaaa... ni lah adam... sempoi je pegi dinner, mkn byk2. bru puas n worth 65rm tuu...
* MASYAALLAH. seyesly i looked like a joker..
a pyscho maniac..hahahaah.
oh yes. this is Fiqah. we call her Pah Bedah. dont ask why.
it juz suits her..heheh. no offense pah!haha
* fatin oh fatin.. ank mami from Penang...heee~
* oh yes. this is robin aka hafiz. robin's his commercial name i guess.hahah
for me, he's sort of Ustaz Rock cam2..hahah
he performed on tht nite.. i cn see tht he's very passionate w his music..hmm
* so this is farhah.. she won the best dressed for the Beauty category..! oh yes the BEst Geek, azam from group A. i didnt managed to get a pic w him.. he's too busy with his 'fans'..wahahahah
* so this is nany from the left, sha n thirah.. thirah is my ex-roomate's bestfriend. remember thirah? my ex-roomate who already fly off to Egypt last year... yeah they got same name..
* meet hany n bid! hany shares the same bday w me... 15th Oct.. we met for the first time during our MMS... and stay friends..heee~
a pyscho maniac..hahahaah.
oh yes. this is Fiqah. we call her Pah Bedah. dont ask why.
it juz suits her..heheh. no offense pah!haha
mamarazzi ni..hehe
for me, he's sort of Ustaz Rock cam2..hahah
he performed on tht nite.. i cn see tht he's very passionate w his music..hmm
actually, i've been thinking of wearing something geekie or a tuttu dress for the dinner..
but i didnt have much time... if the dinner would have been after our finals,
i would wore something...heee~
i dont want the dinner to be a burden to me to think of wht am i goin to wear
as i had to concntrated in my studies as well..
so i made a decision to juz wear a simple garment but nice..hee~
so tht's all i guess..
it's a great nite though.
really goin to miss all my mates!!!waaaaaaa~~~