WHY ME!!!??

this is how i looked like at the moment.

my damn fault for volunteering being the committee of Symposium (it's a dentistry program thingy)

and now i have to meet the "bosses" and seniors tomorrow for site event tour(sort of).

and i dont even noe any of them!

not even 1..!

so i'm totally alone tomorrow.

i really hope that my nerves doesnt effect how i react.

at first i was talking to the president, Abg.Fauzan.

he told me not to go as i lives a lil bit far than Uitm.

then i told him tht i texted Matron K about my presence for tomorrow then she responded positively.

then he said that i have to go. urggghhh devastating.

i really hope that i wont feel awkward with a bunch of unknown people.

well they're seniors. i should MIX up with them right? huuu

can i sleep tonight?

i dont think so

in this condition, with many things jingling inside my brain...?

why is it has to be me?????????~~~~ T____________T

insyaAllah i'll be ok..



arif adam said…
ley jady MPP batch kte ek nant zaf..huuhuu~
DR ZUFFY said…
no wayyyyy!!!!! arip noo!!!
dont u ever vote for me! ak bnci gle bwt keje2 serabot nii!!! huaaaaaaaaa

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