PINK is universal

i like someone daring.

guys in pink is the real person

they dont even think about what other people say about them.

why am i talk about pink guys anyways??

because i met this medical student with pink shirt at the cafe a couple of days ago.

no need to mention his name yeah.~ ;)

we get our eyes locked towards each other. hahaha!

but i immediately turned away my view.

*blushing lahhhh* nanti kantoi pulakkk. <3

yeah i met him before.

while i was in Foundation. 

just wanna say that i attracted to him for now.

he's genius, intelligent, GENTLEMAN, and loves PINK!!!!!

but i not looking forward to any guys or any love relationship at the moment.

whatever it is, i'm just having fun.

i had traumatism towards guys at the moment. (?) arghhh 

Everytime when my girlfriends was saying "OMG that guy is so hot!"
and i was like "hot?? muka player ade ah. grrrr"
and i dont just say that once. i said many times. hehe

nevertheless this guy is not a player(casanova) for sure. i noe that.


damn it. i hate players so much!!

hopefully we'll get our eyes locked up again PINK GUY!!! hehehehe

mood : flirty for fun. =)

Alhamdulillah. My life is back to normal. 
THE CREATOR answers my prayers.
i'm happy. =)



nurulHaizan dz said…
saye tahu saye tahu!!!HAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
who?alep faidhi eh :P
DR ZUFFY said…
sape tu?

btw who r u anonymous?
Anonymous said…
oh then its gotta be azizan..kan kan??? i'm ur fren la.duhh
DR ZUFFY said…
azizan WHO?????~~~

my friend??? which friend???????
tell me tell me! then i'll tell u who!

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