more story to come..vry coincidence one.

today i received a msg from Shamim, my ex classmate from high school.
i thought the class is goin to make a Reunion or something.
but it ws actually this.
shamim : hai zafira! ni shamim. awk, daniel mintak num awk kat kte.. nk bg ke??
mua : hai shamim! daniel who?? yg mne ni!?
shamim: kte pn xtau. da tnye dia tp dia juz ckp myb kte xpngh tgk dia..
mua : owh. alorh bg je r. alang2 cuti ni xbwt pape, bole la invstgate!haha!
shamim : ok2 hehe.
the the guy started to make miss calls. so i asked him,
mua : ni daniel ek. daniel mane r? so do u need anythng from me?
daniel : ni zafirah yew,, awk ad gne fon nokia5200 x?
mua : oh yeah.dulu. da jual. cmne awk tau?
daniel : sy la gne fon tu.. awk jual kat PAS kn? sry sy ad simpan gmbr awk..
then i reacted.. "owh shit! lupe nk delete gmbr!!!!! aaarhhh. cine xgne!! awat x delete gmbr ak!!!!! aaahh!! abis r!!"
hopefully he doesnt use my memory card
which i got my own personal private memory previously..
well he didnt. alhamdullillah..huh!
so i asked him to delete all my photos..
but he said he wanted to left only 1 photo of mine in his phone.
n i ws like "wht bloody hell is he goin to do w my photo now??"
so i asked him which photo is it?
it's a headshot photo which i wore a red t-shirt w a black hijap. thnk god i wore hijap.
im afraid if he got the pics of me tht i didnt wore hijap.hopefully not.
but im quite curious ,
hw he did he knows my name?
perhaps i put my name on the folder. i think.
quite scary..
i really not into friendship through smsing nih...
sgt fake.. i like reality much more..haha.
but this guy lorh kn, i mls nk lyn sgt r..
i dont even noe him..
pervert mane tah.ahahaahahaha.
jhtnye ak ni..!!!hehe
quite coincidence, though.
but juz look to the bright side, my old baby already got it's new owner!!!hehe
cpt btol laku fon ak tuh..hee~=]


trah aziz said…
cmne die bleh tau no kwn zaf tue...
DR ZUFFY said…
dia tgk kat phonebook dlm fon lame kte tu kot..hahah
time nk trade in fon kte tu, mcm agk tergese2. so mcm2 xsmpt delete..heheh

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