it had been more than a month.

but i noe the other side had already live. with no worries, but happy.

the other side has been.. em emm yeah, seeing somebody already.?


in less than a month, i simply got blown away.! 
pathetic me, is it.?

yeah that is the pain. to be blown away in such a short duration.

what would u expect? the other side is my premier amour.

yes, my premier amour.

it may takes months, years or even forever for me to get rid of it.

but is it possible? 

i may look happy, i may acted cool facing my present 
but then the pain is still there

i dont wanna be weak!

i dont wanna cry again in front of others!

i dont wanna kept crying watching Korean dramas!

i want people to see me that nothing can make me down!

no no! i want people to see that i'm strong! 
eventhough, i'm still got the pain.

but i have to noe one thing for sure

if it's true, 
they are already an item,
 insyaAllah i will get over it soon. SOON. SOON.

i just cant stand, hearing people's mumblings that they were dating here and there, 
with matching clothes and stuff.

yeah i'm jealous so whaaaaaaattttttt. buzzz off!
(sorry, zaf is talking sheeeeeet again)

i should have something right? to fight back? 
oh no no.
i already lost. no use for fighting back.

*i could make a song out of this. 
but i need to own a guitar first! and tutor! 
been observing this 2nd hand guitar at Cash Converters.
it's not pink for sure. there's black and brown.
 i think i will get one of those in another week perhaps? hehe waite and seee!
waite for my heart talks to it first.heheh. hyperbolic is it?*

aahhh gatal sangat nak main guitar. Module baru, masuk nanti macam ada masa sangat nak main kan.hahahha



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