old bundle --> NEW fashion

 Salam Everybody!

if u're following my blog since beginning,

i bet u guys knew that i love to sew and make something new, right? hehe

andd i did it again!

i bought this vintage bundle long dress from DC (with located around Uitm)

it was quite long for me.

yeah i noe i'm short! so whattt

so i decided to alter it myself.

 as i always do!

well actually i cut a quarter of the lining before i took the picture.hehe
im too excited until forgot to take a picture which i intended to do so before.


it only took less than 2 hours to do all these.

it may look simple.

but when u put it on, 

it looks gorgeous!

Simple but nice.

planning to wear it with a cardigan. =)

u noe that i love ruffles.

ruffles gave life to an outfit like seriouslyyyy!

i made the ruffles myself ok

actually i found this veil above the freezer.

it was from my brother's wedding.

then something came up and in just a few seconds, 

i decide to make ruffles out of it.

it was the perfect fabric that i want for ruffles.

simply PERFECT!

yeah it would be great if im taking fashion design by now.

but that aint an issue anymore.

live with what u have.

Well i wont left my passion just flown away

i still can take it as hobbies.

it is fun though!



along.safierah said…
wahhh! zaf! nice!! ajar alng laa wat ruffle..suke bju yg oenuh dgn ruffle2xx nih! mmg bg LIFE r kt bju kite kn.. heee. nice beb! :)
DR ZUFFY said…
hahhahah ye ke along??
senang je nk buat... tp ble nk gunting y ssh tuu~~
thnx3!! =)))
along.safierah said…
chantekk laa dear..! kire nye zaf lipat2 kain tu jugk ke?? ke yg mmg da brlipat? hee -along-
DR ZUFFY said…
kte lipat ckit2 je.
lipat time tgh jahit kat mesin.
so kne consistent lah. tkot terjahit tgn ke kn..hehehe.
nurulHaizan dz said…
patotnye you tawok pix u pakai this dress.baru r lagie napak chantek ke tidakk.huehue :p
DR ZUFFY said…
kalau pkai kne la ade photographer! hahah t kte kuar, kte pkai.hehhe.
along.safierah said…
mcm ssh je zaf.. zzzzz :(
DR ZUFFY said…
xsusah lah along..
simple je seyes......
jgn kalut suda.hehehhehe

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