Bismillahirrahmanirahim, oh MSK!

Salam everybody!

am starting a new module this week.

Musculoskeletal System.

it's getting on my nerves actually when i was about to learn about skeletals and muscles.

my medical friends said that it was freaking tough and got a lot of things to be rememorizes..

but i love anatomy..<3

i am a dental student but studying a lot of things about medical.

so dont u expect that u're taking dental and wont learn a thing about medical.

Dentistry is even tougher than Medicine.

take note my juniors. Just get ready with any possibilities.

seriously, i hate medical stuff.  

i dont fancy learning each part of our body.

i only fancy teeth.

oral cavity, MOUTH! etc.

i dont think that saliva is gross.

i dont think that collecting people's teeth is disgusting eventhough my annoying 32 years old sister kept making fun of me!

her annoying-nesss never hesitated my passionate interest at all!

however, i hate cadavers. like seriouslyy!!!

this week, i have some dates with dead body with no head and legs 
and another date just now, with a half of the cadaver's head. OMA gross.

it's real humans head. and smells bad. Thankfully i didnt puke on the spot. Cant stand the smell.=S

i dont like all those stuff.

the smell of the formalin(the solution for the cadaver last long) makes me noxious.

i tried to control my breath. i cant stand the smell.

and i cant even focus during my lab session a couple of days ago.

This is one of the reasons that Medical Doctor is never be my goal.

one of the reasons that i dont go for Medical Doctor in Indonesia when the opportunity comes 
eventhough i love Indonesia a lot!!!! shopping and food heaven ok!=))

so far, so good. 
Millions of things muscles, nerves, veins , arteries to be rememorizes. ARGHH!

but i have to love all these.
 i love anatomy. ~sort of

i hope my next Progressed Test in another 2 weeks would have some improvement, perhaps? huu

still, i need more time. to cover things up. argghhh.

 but this week, i got a mad mad tight schedule.
oh PBSM! damn go away lahhhh!!!

chaiyokk! chaiyokk, Zuffy! u can do it bebeyh!!



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