birthday treat

Yesterday i went for lunch at Sushi King Subang Parade with my sister

i went there right after i finished my HBU114 final exam

and before i took my exam, i did a very CRAZY thingy.

i took risk by parking my car at the foyer which forbid students to park there.

well it's weekend. so i dont think anything would happen.

At 7 am i saw my car had been clamped AGAIN.

HAHAHAHAHA. serves me right!

then i settled this alone, meet the Kapten and i got my car back.

i got blacklisted i guess.

hahahaha padam muke!!!

i really hope that i still get to stay in a hostel next semester. +_+

i seriously regret.

so i sent my car to my sister's place.

when the car is in need, then i asked my sister to bring in here.


oraite, back to Sushi King thingy

i ate a lot as usual.hehe

before that, my sister bought me a Baskin Robbin ice cream.
(OMG!! it's been ages since i got my last scoop!!!)

then i was window shopping at Voir.

and there's sales!!!!

but i dont think that i would want to buy any.

but when i saw RM150 in my wallet, i've been thinking to shop a little.
hehe i guess.

actually i got the cash from Lina cuz she borrowed my money a couple of days ago.

and i didnt manage to hid it from myself which i always do.

then i ended up bought

this Electric Pink pants (not skinnies)

and Mustard Wedges from Voir

both with 50% off!!!

yeah i only bought after less items...heheh

i cant stand this.

i cant even take a glimpse at so so so very very less price items.

i really need to hid a lot of my cash in the bank after i got my scholarship

im afraid that i might spend it all!

without thinking!

well i always wanted a Yellow Mustard shoe.

so this is an exception.

consider i bought this to fulfilled one of my wish list.hehe

alasan kah?weee~~



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